To use our service please call: 0300 800 1907

Mon – Thurs (7pm – 7 am)    Weekends 24/7 (Fri 7pm – Mon 7am)


Please contact our Treasurer via to obtain our latest bank details

Donate via Text

For One off or Regular donations or to create a Fundraising page

QR Code

Just Giving

PayPal Giving Fund


Generate FREE Donations whilst shopping online:

Easy Fundraising

Charitable Bookings

The Giving Machine

Other ways to support:

Cash and Cheque donations:

Cheques should be made payable to  Freewheelers EVS 
Post to  Freewheelers EVS Treasurer, Unit 10, 306 Broomhill Road, Brislington, Bristol BS4 5RG

If you pay taxes and are able to , then please consider completing the Gift Aid Declaration, form and forward it with your cheque. 
Cash donations – please use the contact page so we may discuss collection.