About us
Riding For Life
Freewheelers EV Blood Bike Service is a registered charity which offers an out of hours, free of charge courier service to the NHS. Freewheelers transport blood, pathology and microbiology specimens, patient notes, X-rays, breast milk and other medical supplies, plus deliver every night to two local Air Ambulance bases. During the Covid year 2020-21, we made over 7792 deliveries, riding more than 225,000 miles. Post Covid, the volumes continue to rise and in 2023 we have completed 7923 deliveries. Our slogan “Riding For Life” describes our operation perfectly. We ride to play our part in saving peoples lives, we ride to help the NHS divert money that would otherwise be spent on taxis or expensive couriers, but more than anything else we ride because we love it and wish to put something back into the community.
In 2008, in recognition of the dedicated work of our volunteers, we were given The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest honour a voluntary group can receive, equivalent in status to an MBE. In 2020, we celebrated our 30th year as a charity ‘Riding for Life’ Our service is provided entirely by volunteers and we depend fully on public sponsorship and donations.

All you ever wanted to know about Freewheelers!
If you’d like to know more about Blood Bikes, the growth of UK charities and an insight into the day to day operation of Freewheelers then this book is a great place to start. Although written by a member of our charity, the book pays tribute to other Blood Bike groups across the UK and the founders of this great team of volunteers.
You can purchase a copy from the Amazon book shop who will make a donation to Freewheelers with every purchase.

Further Information
If you have any questions about the service that we offer, please do not hesitate to ask. Use the Contact Form, or contact one of the charity’s officers whose details can be found on the Contact Form.
Hospitals and other NHS organisations wishing to use the Freewheelers EV Blood Bike Service should call our duty coordinator on 0300 800 1907.